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Caut job full-time Data entry specialist, back office assistant, data annotator
Hello everyone! 
About me & what I’m looking for:
⭐ I’m looking for Data Associate, Data Annotator, Localization Specialist, Back Office Assistant roles and other similar ones.
⭐ I am a very organized person who enjoys putting puzzle pieces together (hence why I love working with data) and I get satisfaction from delivering on time. I can learn how to use new tools fast with minimal guidance and then be a mentor for others as well.
⭐ I’m interested in remote roles (working from Romania for companies anywhere in the world) or a hybrid model with one day per week/month from the office in Ploiesti or Bucharest.
⭐ My previous jobs were different from one another, so I am open to once again take on a new challenge and a different path, as I am always curious to learn something new.
You can find more information about me, as well as recommendations at Adresă de e-mail ascunsă. Trebui să te înregistrezi pentru a o vedea.

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